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Dos and Don’ts of Applying a Facial Mask for Skin Care

July 03 2024 – Essential Labs

Dos and Don’ts of Applying a Facial Mask for Skin Care
Dos and Don’ts of Applying a Facial Mask for Skin Care

Whether they’re in powder, gel, or cream form, face masks are packed with good ingredients that act as an extra, direct boost of nutrients for your skin. Even better, there are face masks with ingredients that can tackle almost every skincare need. If you need to moisturize, even out your skin tone, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, or cleanse your pores, there’s a face mask out there for you! To help you get the most out of your mask, let’s review some dos and don’ts of face mask application.

The Dos

Do: Patch Test New Masks

While face masks can provide your skin with numerous benefits, that doesn’t mean every face mask will work for every person or every skin type. Before you apply a new face mask, or any new skincare product for that matter, you should always patch test it on the back of your hand or under your chin. This way, if you have a negative reaction to any of the ingredients, it will only be on a small portion of your skin instead of your entire face!

Do: Read the Instructions

No matter what face mask you purchase, it’s bound to come with some sort of instructions. At the very least, it will tell you how to apply the mask, how long to leave it on, and how to properly remove it. As an example, if you were to leave a moisturizing sheet mask on for too long, the moisture can reabsorb into the sheet, rendering it ineffective. These instructions are there for a reason, so be sure to follow them.

Do: Use Clean Hands or an Applicator

In truth, the first thing you should do before you begin your skin care routine is wash your hands, especially if you’re using them to apply a face mask. If you don’t, you may introduce dirt and germs to your skin and trap them under the mask. If you want to avoid this risk, we recommend using a silicone face mask brush. Silicone will absorb less dirt than a brush applicator, and washing it is as easy as using soap and warm water.

Do: Pay Attention to Active Ingredients

Just like face masks can come in a variety of ingredients, they can have different active ingredients in them. Active ingredients are the components of skincare products that are added to formulas to address the skin concerns that the products are supposed to target. Face masks may contain active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, vitamin C , salicylic acid, and retinol. It’s important to pay attention to these active ingredients–there are certain ones you don’t want to mix, as they may cause an adverse reaction. For example, if you were to apply a vitamin C face mask and then apply retinol directly afterward, sensitivity could occur.

Do: Continue With the Rest of Your Routine

When you’re finished applying your mask, don’t forget to finish the rest of your skincare routine! During your daytime routine, you should apply your face mask right before you apply a serum and moisturize. During your nighttime routine, you can apply your face mask after you’ve cleansed your face. . After that, you’re free to continue with the rest of your skincare routine.

The Don’ts

Don’t: Forget To Moisturize

Whether you’re doing your daytime or nighttime routine, don’t forget to moisturize. Moisturizing creams are great at providing skin with the essential fats and lipids it needs to stay moisturized, but that’s not all they’re good for! When you apply moisturizing cream at the end of your routine, you’re locking in all the nutrients and hydration from the rest of your routine. If you apply a face mask and finish your routine with a moisturizer, you get the added benefit of locking in all those wonderful ingredients the face mask provides.

Don’t: Skip Out on Sunscreen

Just like you shouldn’t skip out on moisturizer, you shouldn’t skip out on your sunscreen during your daytime routine. Active ingredients such as vitamin C, retinol, AHAs, or BHAs, make your skin’s protective barrier more sensitive to sun damage. Not only that, but many active ingredients are also photosensitive, which means they can break down when exposed to light or UV rays. Applying sunscreen will protect your skin and the active ingredients you applied.

Don’t: Sleep With Your Mask On

As mentioned, it’s incredibly important to read the instructions on your face masks before you apply and follow them. If your face mask contains acids or enzymes, leaving it on for too long can damage your skin. It can leave the skin feeling tight and dry and can even burn your skin. While applying your face mask may feel like a relaxing spa experience, falling asleep with it on can do more harm than good.

Don’t: Use Multiple Masks at Once

In the same way that you wouldn’t mix active ingredients, you shouldn’t apply multiple masks at once. It’s best to stick to one face mask per day to avoid accidentally mixing ingredients that could lead to an adverse reaction. If you apply more than one face mask, you could be inadvertently increasing the concentration of an active ingredient or neutralizing it altogether. Either way, mixing masks just isn’t a good idea.

Don’t: Apply the Same Mask Every Day

If you apply the same face mask every day, you may be giving your skin too much of a good thing. For example, if you have oily skin and use a hydrating face mask, that hydration can have an adverse effect and make your skin oilier. What you can do is rotate the active ingredients in your face mask every day. For example, if you use a vitamin C face mask one day and a retinol face mask the next, you’ll get the benefits of both ingredients without the negative effects. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not everyone’s skin is exactly the same. So do what’s right for your skin and stop using any products that cause dryness, itchiness, or pain.

With this ultimate guide to the dos and don’ts of face mask application, you’re officially a face mask expert! If you’re ready to give your skin an amazing boost of nutrients, Essential Labs sells cosmetic face masks. Each has extraordinary ingredients, such as organic blue-green algae powder, hyaluronic acid, rosemary leaf extract, and more! We’re here to help you meet the skin care goals of your dreams with products you can feel good about.